![]() ![]() ![]() 01 10 1988 Friendly & Crappy Love SPORT Love PIANO Love the BEACH Love TURTLE Love YOU just add me! i wont bite! ^_^! still looking for my special one...
ok peeps!!!! i am back!!!! hahahah!!!!! just wanna update u guys on how i spend my CNY this year in KL! has been my best CNY since i went into army! hahaha!!! if u want to see all the photos, please go to my friendster! it is all there!!!
************************************************************************************ DAY 1 wake up at about 10 to prepare and left house at about 12.30. was almost late for the bus cause there was a jam in habourfront station. dun even know why so many people want to go there. haha. reach there at about 6pm. saw some of my cousins, actually only one who is van cause most of them still not yet reach. but soon more of them come and the whole house was bursting with chatting. hahha. all my little cousins was so funny and playful!!!! keep asking me to play with them which i did join in the the end. ahhaha. looking at them sure remind me when i was young like them. hahaha. how i miss those day. haha. amazingly, there was 3 com there but there was no Internet connection there!!!! ahhh!!!! so in the end i have to steal other people wifi to go online which was very slow and unstable so i give up awhile. ahhaha... first day ended with nothing much cause everyone was tired after 6 hours of bus journey. hahaha!!! so many little ponyo!!!! ************************************************************************************ DAY 2 went up to Genting with van, my bro and my father. hahaha!!! reach the top at about 1pm. oh ya, we took the bus halfway then change to cable car! cool!!! hahaha.. the air up there is really fresh and cold. i was feeling the chill even with my jacket on! but i like it. hahah did some shopping, went rock climbing and finally went to watch movie. oh ya, we also took alot of photos!!!! hahaha. go to my friendster if u want to see them! took the 10pm bus to go home!!! bro, papa and i! W.V.B in the making!!!! my bro and i! van, bro and i! van and i! caught charging my hp! look at the fog! cable car~~~~ ************************************************************************************ DAY 3 did not really do much things today except that we ate alot of things!!! hahaha. went to eat dim sum for breakfast! omg, it was so so so so nice lor!!!! eat until feel like not moving at all. ahhaa. then noon time went to KLCC with van, fond, and my bro. at there we ate the rare A&W! hahah. we ordered the root beer ice cream float and the waffle ice cream!! yummy!!!! hahaha. try to shop but everything there was branded so did not get anything cause too exp le. T_T went back home using taxi and then went out to eat again. ahha. our whole family went to some restaurant to eat. hmm.. eat good food again. hahaha!!! so going to grow fat le!!! must run more after going back to Singapore!!! van and fong! my ray ban! A&W!!! waiting for train! look like in jap right?? ************************************************************************************ DAY 4 went to peih house to sleep cause it was too crowded over at the original sleeping house. ahhaa. so we wake up at 8 to prepare before heading over to some coffe shop for breakfast. we had some alcohol chicken mee. the alcohol taste is so strong that i think some people will get drunk if eaten too much. ahhaha!!!! took the bus back to Singapore at 1pm and finally reach home at 8pm! ah!!! HOME SWEET HOME!!! love the reflection! random shot! random shot! love the contrast of the cable and sky! ~ Love Is Full Of Lies ~ ~ Yet So Beautiful To Our Eyes~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/29/2009 11:13:00 PM~~
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE ELSE!!! haha. went shopping with the samsung gang again. LOL! we like see each other almost everyday ever since we started working together. haha. so roger, Wynne and me meet at city hall at 1.30pm before heading over to pen plaza. roger wanted to alter his jeans so we went over there. damn funny. the shop assistant was eating in the changing room so the shop owner actually asked roger to change outside!!! HAHAHAH!!! so Wynne and i was like what the hell and stood outside and stand guard!! haha after that, we proceed to marina square to eat. we had xin wang and i ordered the same dish again!!! haha, which is curry ramen!!! actually all three of us had the same dishes, same drink also. lol chatting sleep mode on! Wynne digging for coins drinking !! went to shop for my father birthday gift which i finally found in john Little. bought a shirt for him. soon we proceed to watch our movie at about 6.50pm. we watched love matter. i tell you, it was damn funny lor. it has been a while since i last laughed so much!!! now my jaws hurt so much! haha. oh ya, i wanted to watch curious case of Benjamin button too. the trailer look very interesting so anyone wanted to jio me or join me?? hahaha!!! finally went home at about near 11 cause Wynne dun want to miss her last bus. hahah i feel that my post is like a more detailed version of Wynne post but nvm la, no one really read my blog also.i practically copy paste the whole photo section from her blog. ahahha. just blogging to keep a record of my life or i will forget all the good memories of my good friend!!! hahaha!!! i will be going to KL tomolo for CNY celebration. will be boarding my bus at 1.30pm so remember to wish me luck before 2 ok?? haha. will be gone from 26 to 29 Jan. feel like working on Friday...hmmm.. shall ask Lynn about it. haha. but my hp will still be on so feel free to sms me ok!!!!! ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/25/2009 11:43:00 AM~~
went down to TM with Wynne after work to buy some stuff. managed to get a white puma jacket with 40% discount thank to her friend!! haha, thank Wynne!
************************************************************************************ although today is my off day but yet i cant seem to find anything to do. all my friends are either working or in NS so cannot go out for shopping. wanted to play piano but yet just dun have the mood. so decided to play maple but yet the stupid sever was down from 8 to 1. what a day.... so my bro and i went jogging in the noon while the sun was so freaking hot. we jogged to a gym in seng kang and did some training there. when supose to run back again but the sun was so hot that we just decided to walk back. haha. we pass by a park which was not yet ready and guess what, it is the first time i seen cartus?in singapore. i mean i have seen one but never them growing them in a public park .hahahaha!!!! too bad my phone was not with me or i will take some photo down .hahaha!!! then went to compass point with my family for dinner at curry-san! forgot to take photo again. i think i have sun burn. damn..... hope my face dun peel before CNY! ahhaha!!! and i hate maple!!!!! just when i finally feel like playing it, the stupid sever has to be so lag that i cant seem to play at all!!!!! agagagaggagagag!!!!!!!! ************************************************************************************ i just feel life seem so empty for me.... it almost feel like i have to carry the burden of my whole family on my shoulder while still trying to find what i wanted to do in life. maybe it will be better if i could just eat a pill and sleep till everything is over. but when is it truely over? sometime i really wondered what i should do or who i should be.... i am rather glad that i actually did not go crazy thinking about all these things. maybe all these is a test, let just hoped that i could pass it.... somebody please enlightened me..... ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/21/2009 09:01:00 PM~~
wynne ask me to blog so i blog lor!!!!
hahahah HAPPY BIRTHDAY WYNNE!!!! yesterday i went with felix, kelvin, lee leng and tong to marina square after my work. lee leng wanted to buy something from G2000 there so we went there. then we proceed to xin wang HK cafe for dinner! guess what? i order curry ramen and let me tell you. it is very nice...hahahaha!!! i practically wanted to drink down all the curry!!! even the potato was special cause they fry it first before putting in the curry!!! lol. love it man! ************************************************************************************ while working, we get kinda bored cause suddenly for like few hours totally no customer. so roger and i went to read some forum on storm! it was damn funny reading their posting and the public response to it. hahaha. i cant keep myself from laughing out loud man. lucky there was no customer around!!! hahahaha!!! title is: how to hint a girl u like her. ************************************************************************************ CNY coming le but yet for some reasons, my room just cant be neat for more than 3 days! LOL! ************************************************************************************ while having our lunch break, roger and i decided to do some shopping. haha. but in the end, only i bought something. T_T. y do i always have to be the one to waste money? ok la, not really wasting money cause i still can use it what. i bought a belt from domanchi. LOL!!! my new belt!!!!! ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/18/2009 11:35:00 PM~~
haha. i did so much things during my off day. went jogging in the morning then play piano for the whole noon and wait for my new fridge to come in the late evening. haha. oh ya, i also clean up my room!!! my new fridge!!!! my old fridge for like 15 years?? before the after, not much changes but neater right?? my status slip during NS that save me from all the horrible stuff. ahhaha!!!! ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/14/2009 11:34:00 PM~~
okok, i know i had not been updating for a long time already. not that i am too busy to blog but more like i dun know what to blog since everyday seem like doing the same thing and nothing special happen. hahaha ok, let see what is there to update. hmmm... nothing much!! haha. i am now addicted to Mario kart arcade thank to wynne who introduce it to us. hahaha. currently i am in the lead with 12 wins, wynne with 11 wins while roger in the last place with only 5 wins. LOL!!!! then i also went to mega courts yesterday with my family to buy our new fridge. but we still fail to get anything cause my father say he could get it cheaper in some other shop. haiz.... we currently had our eye on a Mitsubishi rosewood fridge which was very beautiful as it is in red. hahaha i also attempted to "rescue" my ps2 controller but failed cause it was just too complicated. lol!!! my new ultra slim keyboard by logitech. a change of new one after like 5 years? lol oh, i bought this keyboard from Challenger so along the way, i also sign up for their membership cause i had a feeling i will be visiting them rather soon. lol. some reflection of my spending. i decided to start saving up starting from now. i am going to spend only $500 every month and save the rest for raining days. i looked back on the last month and yup, i spend quite alot which was not a good sign, i need to save more. damn.... so now less shopping for me le. hahaha. so Wynne, stop asking me to buy more things!!!!!! ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/09/2009 11:35:00 PM~~
ok guy!!!!
although it had only been a few days but i got so much to update about!!! first off, i finally fix my PSP!!!! haha, some of u people might remember that i had a broken lcd in my psp. so one fine day i decided to ask the game shop at PS how much to repair my PSP. the person told me $130 and i was like dropping my jaws. lol. so i asked again how much for just the lcd and she told me $58. omg... what a different. so i bought the lcd alone and fix my PSP at my own risk. lol.and guess what? it worked and i saved like $70 just like that!!! HAHAHAHA!!! ********************************************************************************** wynne, roger and me went to bugis for some window shopping. lol. but i did not buy anything. lol. wynne wanted to go there to fix the watch that she bought there for $5. hahah. the strap broke off in just 2 days of use. lol. then we proceed to NYDC cafe for dinner. all 3 of us order the same stuff. lol. roasted chicken leg with a little deco done by me. lol the elmo that was seating beside wynne. hahahah as for new year eve, i went to claudia house for a little gathering. but i only reach there at about 10.30pm but being late is better than not being there. lol. had some pizza, cakes and chocolate. we played guitar hero and tennis on WII for almost the whole night. lol. ************************************************************************************ after work, wynne, roger and me went to manhanttan fish market for dinner. lol. public holiday so we decided to give ourselve a little treat. hahahah. the people waiting there was alot but lucky we came the day before to book so we get our seats in less than 5mins. lol. as usual, we order the same dishes again. lol. oh, plus some fried country mushrooms. lol. ************************************************************************************ look at what my friend think of me? that what they msn me once i logged in. lol ~ Kaybee ~ ~ The World Shall Dance For Me ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 1/01/2009 11:47:00 PM~~