![]() ![]() ![]() 01 10 1988 Friendly & Crappy Love SPORT Love PIANO Love the BEACH Love TURTLE Love YOU just add me! i wont bite! ^_^! still looking for my special one...
oh ya... i forgot to continued my story that was suppose to be told last night! LOL!! ok , here it goes!!! weee~~~~ ~~ The Owner And His Car ~~ there is this guy who own a car, let call this guy the owner for easy reference, and he wanted to sell it! let start off with some descriptions of this car. this car is very new with a superior engine that could burst to 100kmh in 3 seconds from rest. the only big problem this car is that its design and appearance is way below the fashion chart. although with a great engine, this car had a horrible outlook. first off, it has a lousy paint job of it main body. guess what? it had a dull grey print job that make it look 10 years older! then, it do not have any graphics or vinyls around to enchance it appearance and finally it has a stock car factory body kits which mean it has a big and bulky body kit that make the car look...eewwwwww..... ok, enough of the descriptions before everyone get bored and leave. so this owner have been wanting to sell his car for very long. he bring the car around to showcase it, it get links from friends for potential buyers, and he even try to do some direct marketing himself. but... as expected, no buyers seem to be interested even when the price was jusr average. most buyer just cant be bothered to even look at his car. some buyers even came to his car, kick a few kicks and leave after that, leaving the windscreen or rear mirror broken, letting the owner suffer the lost all by himself. so feeling hopeless and totally down, the owners often drive his car back home alone and pray for the best the next day, just that the 'best' never came for as long as he could remembered. so one day, he went around the market to look at cars like how a buyer would to see what really attract them, and sadly , he realise most buyers dun really care if the engine is top notch since they cant really tell that at first glance. most buyers are attracted to those beautifully designed cars that seem to shine wherever u drive it to. the owner walk home again with disapointment... but then the owner never gave up, with the help and advices from his close fren and some experience after looking around in the market for cars, he make a total makeover of his unsightful car. he change the body paint to metalic black, add in some contrasting vinyls, plugged in a carbon fibre hoods and some red tinted windscreen, and finally remodified his body kit into a sports series. and the result sure was WOW! so the owner proudly drove his car to the sale market to promote it again at a sightly higher price and yes, way much more buyers are flocking to his car to take a look. some took pictures, some ask some more detail while the others just look and envy. the owner are happy to see the effect of just revamping his car and glad that he did that and he have high hope of finally selling it. but after a few months of non stop flocking in of buyers, the car is still unsold.the owner was seriously puzzled! how can the car be still unsold when there are so much buyers who seem interested?? so one fine day, he went to ask a friend of his, who is also a buyer, why is that so. he told him, cause your car just seem too perfect and good to be true so he assumed that the price will have to be very very high so he knew that he confirmed wont have what it takes to own such a car.... so he wont even bother to aks about the price and assumed that although the owner is actually selling it at a avergae market price and hope someone who will love and care for his car to buy it. so the story behind this whole thing is that... sometime being too good is not good, being average is always the best cause you ae like everyone esle and everyone will jutst treat you like them so there wont be a barrier. hmmm... nice story... what a crap... sorry, i am bored... less than one more week to FREEDOM!!! weee~~~~ ~ Love Is Full Of Lies ~ ~ Yet So Beautiful To Our Eyes ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 11/29/2009 09:45:00 AM~~