Klain Choo Kok Boon 01 10 1988 Friendly & Crappy Love SPORT Love PIANO Love the BEACH Love TURTLE Love YOU just add me! i wont bite! ^_^! still looking for my special one...
well well, went to NUS early in the morning for the test for architecture. reach there at about near 9.30am which is the starting time so everyone is kinda of already seated in there. LOL. the hall was kinda of filled with girls, let see, about 80%??? haha, everyone around my seats are girls. LOL. ashley told me like that hard to concentrate sia.... LOL
but some of the girls are really garang la, the girl beside me actually sketch one whole building out and the girl diagonal of me bring one big tool box filled with tape, markers, and glues??? OMG... come on la, relax la~~~ LOL ok, 2 hours to do 3 Qns. first, they give us a poems about transformation and ask us what we think it was about,. second , they ask us to draw something to support our answer in first qn and thirdly, to make a model out of three white cupboard supply by them. we are allowed to use any material to make it and decorate it!!! LOL so so below are what i did!!!! i named it Shamu Tooth ( shu hui idea ). quite happy and impressed by my own artwork!!! LOL. ok, double happiness in a day!!! guess what!!! i bought my FOSSIL watch!!! HELLO my new baby FOSSIL!!! LOL. it is a automatic watch that was imported from US and it cost $358. OMG, cant believe i buy it. LOL ~ Love Is Full Of Lies ~ ~ Yet So Beautiful To Our Eyes ~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 4/26/2009 11:21:00 PM~~