Klain Choo Kok Boon
01 10 1988

Friendly & Crappy
Love the BEACH
Love YOU

just add me!
i wont bite! ^_^!

still looking for my special one...


~My PiAnO!!!~
~My ArTz!!!~
~MY 21th B'DAY Celebration~
~Studio Photoshoot~
~TiOmAn GeTaWaY!!!~

~March 2008~
~April 2008~
~May 2008~
~June 2008~
~July 2008~
~August 2008~
~September 2008~
~October 2008~
~November 2008~
~December 2008~

~January 2009~
~Febuary 2009~
~March 2009~
~April 2009~
~May 2009~
~June 2009~
~July 2009~
~August 2009~
~September 2009~
~October 2009~

~you mei~
~Shu Xian~
~Pei Xuan~
~Yong Kang~

K-pO BoX!!!


LeT GeT EmO.....ShAlL We???

Friday, July 18, 2008

all my bunk mate, or should i say the whole battlion, have all gone to tekong for ATEC stage 1. leaving me and the other injured personal behind since they cant really do anything productive even if we go. lol. sound like i am a useless blumnow. ha, hu care?!?!?!

in some sense, this have always been what i wanted. since there are no one in camp thus is also mean no one to control us. lol. i can choose my own eating timing, my sleeping time, my wake up time. ha. blaabababba... ha. but too bad i dun have my psp with me.

but luckyly, my friend lent me his warcraft archive to read. at first i was not interested in the book cause i was more interested in him lending me his psp. ha. but i still took it just in case and i am glad i accept the offer. i was addicted to it by just reading a few chapters. ha, first time in a long time since there was a book that can capture my attention so much. lol.

~Love is full of lies~
~Yet so beautiful to our eyes~
~5 More Months To ORD!!!~

~~Burned into ur eyes @ 7/18/2008 10:36:00 PM~~
