Klain Choo Kok Boon 01 10 1988 Friendly & Crappy Love SPORT Love PIANO Love the BEACH Love TURTLE Love YOU just add me! i wont bite! ^_^! still looking for my special one...
when i were walking home just now, the moon was shining very brightly and appear to be bigger than usual. it was a rather beautiful sight but too bad i dun have a camera to capture such a wonderful sight. haiz...
oh ya, i am still deciding whether to create another blog which is purely just for all my drawing. i actually still have quite alot of drawings which i had not post yet. mainly because all these drawing are my designs and i am scared that if i post it, people might copy as their owns. so how? post or dun post? ~Love is full of lies~ ~Yet so beautiful to our eyes~ ~5 More Months To ORD!!!~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 6/22/2008 01:39:00 AM~~