Klain Choo Kok Boon
01 10 1988

Friendly & Crappy
Love the BEACH
Love YOU

just add me!
i wont bite! ^_^!

still looking for my special one...


~My PiAnO!!!~
~My ArTz!!!~
~MY 21th B'DAY Celebration~
~Studio Photoshoot~
~TiOmAn GeTaWaY!!!~

~March 2008~
~April 2008~
~May 2008~
~June 2008~
~July 2008~
~August 2008~
~September 2008~
~October 2008~
~November 2008~
~December 2008~

~January 2009~
~Febuary 2009~
~March 2009~
~April 2009~
~May 2009~
~June 2009~
~July 2009~
~August 2009~
~September 2009~
~October 2009~

~you mei~
~Shu Xian~
~Pei Xuan~
~Yong Kang~

K-pO BoX!!!


LeT GeT EmO.....ShAlL We???

Sunday, June 8, 2008

i had just finished watching a movie called First Sunday and i decided to share with everyone esle. why? cause i think it was a good movie, not those good movie like ironman or spiderman but more like those that taught us something.

It was about these two guys that decided to rob a church as they were badly in debts. one of them owned a gang 12k while the other needs money so that their family wont have to move. out of desperation, they decided to rob a old church but instead ended up having a midnight church service in there that changed their lifes. and during the service, they experience many different things out of their expectation.

i feel that the movie was rather funny through out and was very touching in the end. there is a phase that i think is very meaningful. " people always blame everyone else except the one responsible for it, which is yourself". true, we always blame other and not ourself when we made a mistake so people, remember this phase and learn from it.

ha, why do time always fly whenever i book out? cant it just like stop? haiz.... let hope this week will be another slack week cause i am really sick of it already. sometime, i really just feel like dont do anything there and just stone in there untill i book out. ha, zombie!!!!

~Love is full of lies~
~Yet so beautiful to our eyes~
~5 More Months To ORD!!!~

~~Burned into ur eyes @ 6/08/2008 05:34:00 PM~~
