Klain Choo Kok Boon 01 10 1988 Friendly & Crappy Love SPORT Love PIANO Love the BEACH Love TURTLE Love YOU just add me! i wont bite! ^_^! still looking for my special one...
after the ntu high tea, i think i have decided my path in uni.
i shall study mech enigine then in year 2, i will change to mechantronic stream and if possible, i shall study some module of biomedical engine in my year 3 and 4. in this way, i will have a degree in mech engine, a certificate in mechantronic which is same like robortic and a specialisation in biomedical engine. ha. with this knowledge, i will be able to research more on robortic organs and body parts for people who lose them due to accident or illness. lol, what a dream... wishful thinking. and my com is getting from bad to worst. i think i need to get a new one already. all right, later i shall go to sim lim and get those price list and create my own new com. sound fun. lol. ~Music Is The Sound Of God~ ~6 More Months To ORD!!!~ ~~Burned into ur eyes @ 5/19/2008 10:36:00 AM~~